
Vibe in Abstract

Adventures of the Elders Fine Arts Texas TOTOT Uncategorized

Burst Pipes

[Thanks to Sally the Intern for her assistance in today’s BLOTT] A friend of WLBOTT recently experienced some burst pipes (big freeze in Central Texas last week). We asked our AI friends to help us understand this situation.

England Music Texas Uncategorized

Celebrating Slim Whitman

Think back to Christmases in the late ’70s, and remember the Slim Whitman TV ads (All My Best).“[Slim] was number one in England longer than Elvis and The Beatles.” A little Wikipedia research revealed many amazing facts about Slim Whitman, but here is one of most interesting: Whitman was a self-taught left-handed guitarist, although he […]

America Scholarship/Erudition Uncategorized

The Root of all Goodness

Had an interesting chat with my pal chatGPT this morning…. Turns out, as it was meant to turn out, that the full article can be found on the page. Mr. Root, it is our honor/honour to present you with the Medal of the Royal Order of WLBOTTness. Medina and A.I. Root Today A.I. Root […]


Hello world!

Welcome to WLBOTT (The World’s Largest Ball of Twine Tour). We will explore: 2024-04-02 Update As we complete the TOC of BLOTTs, let us reflect upon this effort. Either: