Randomly got to talkin’ with UC#2 about meteorites in Antarctica. This was the result of a semi-sequitur from a recent BLOTT about paper clips, and the earliest known archaeological connection between people and iron was from found meteorites. Not knowing much about Antarctic meteorites, it seemed like an interesting BLOTT. As it turns out, as […]
Category: WLBOTT Corporate
You can issue the following link to get a random Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random Admittedly, this qualifies as mildly interesting. Today’s BLOTT represents a curated sample of perhaps 200 random pages. It’s been that kind of Sunday…..
Sally Lightfoot
WLBOTT Division of Oceanic Research and Kinetics(WLBOTT-DORK) has just come across an extremely cool omnivorous crab. The Sally Lightfoot crab (Graspus graspus) is rumored to have been named after a Caribbean dancer, because they are agile and fast. – Neat-o-rama Basically this poor guy has to take a long day’s journey (when the tide is out) […]
The Founders “Weigh In”
He-who-must-not-be-named will be photographed, fingerprinted, and, of most interest to the Elders of WLBOTT, weighed. We have a betting pool going. Prizes TBD. Price Is Right rules do not apply. Current positions: The Official Line We placed our guesses before the official line was established, and I’m surprised how close we all came:
Today’s BLOTT has an interesting stream of consciousness. It started with a conversation with UC#3: “How hard can it be to tune your own piano?” [ed. note: very hard] Which led to…. Which somehow led to solving the seemingly easy, but actually really difficult problem: [from UC#3] I have spent many hours and actually have […]
Thanks to Unindicted Co-conspirator #3 for today’s BLOTT. Barbie is back baby!Current female role modelWhat is up with Ken Fulton defendantsTake a perp walk to intakeTrump raises more money 3rd Party Haiku…..
Came across this hat on a walk this morning along an Austin nature trail…. Today feels like a Sunday morning on a Friday afternoon (nod to John Prine).
Thanks to Unindicted Co-conspirator #3 for today’s business plan. WLBOTT Elders et. al. – please feel free to create a BLOTT and I encourage others to add and contribute ideas to this business opportunity. Target a NY stock exchange IPO in late 2023. Ladies & Gents – I am at phase 1 of evaluating this […]
I’m re-re-re-reading Cat’s Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut. The first thing to surprise me was that it was published in 1963. It seems like the kind of book that was published the day before you read it, or re-read it, or re-re-read it. What is a Cat’s Cradle? According to Meriam-Webster…. Semi-sequitur: one cannot think of […]
Not only are we somebody, but we’re a #2 somebody!