Russian Implicated in Olympic Scandal And of Course…. How Did an Alleged Russian Mobster End Up on Trump’s Red Carpet? And here’s a coincidence: The guy was indicted for being part of a global gambling ring run out of Trump Tower. [Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov] since being indicted in the United States a decade earlier for allegedly […]
Category: Destinations
The Diomede Islands, also known in Russia as Gvozdev Islands, consist of two rocky, mesa-like islands: The Russian island of Big Diomede (part of Chukotka), also known as Imaqłiq, Inaliq, Nunarbuk or Ratmanov Island. The U.S. island of Little Diomede (part of Alaska) or Iŋaliq, also known as Krusenstern Island. The Diomede Islands are located […]
Saskatchewan Soviet
The buzz this week is about (aboot) a Saskatchewan family that moved to Russia to escape woke-ism, gays, freedom of speech, etc. Things are not going well. The universe can often speak to us in unique and mysterious ways. Other times, if answers our questions by laughing in our faces. That was the case with […]
WLBOTT recognizes the controversy surrounding the title “World’s Largest Ball of Twine”, and we take no stand. However, friend-of-the-BLOTT JA#2 has suggested a visit to Darwin, Minnesota. Darwin Darwin In Pictures A Cry for Help We find it a bit presumptuous that if you are considering visiting the Twine Museum, they encourage you go get […]
The people of Texas, like the people of America and all freedom-loving people around the world, are behind the brave people of Ukraine. Maybe one day, we will be talking to Ukrainians who speak English with a Texas accent and wear big cowboy hats!
UC#3 [wrt Sapphire/WLBOTT World Tour] Combining the microbus, I offer the following limerick: The WLBOTT vagabonds traveled via microbus and slept in a yurtThey would set up their temporary dwelling and sleep on the dirtWhen ready to leave, they would pack up the yurt and moveA painted peace sign and flowers on the bus set […]
UC#1 Hi, all, I agree, a yurt is an ideal solution. Perhaps we can incorporate it with a VW microbus, sort of a yurt-on-wheels. UC#3, Alas, I never made it to any Stans. In fact, I only made it to three former USSR countries, Russia, Czechoslovakia and Poland. UC#4 So… a combination yurt/WLBOTT/Mountain Sapphire Tour […]
Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout Cookies are cookies sold by Girl Scouts in the United States to raise funds to support Girl Scout councils and individual troops. The cookies are widely popular and are commonly sold by going door-to-door, online, through school or town fundraisers, or at “cookie booths” set up at storefronts. The program is intended to […]
What better way to keep up with world events than to read a variety of international on-line papers. Headlines from Around the World: Japan Sky News / Japan Japan Times India The India Express The Hindustan Times Hong Kong South China Morning Post Indonesia The Jakarta Post United Kingdom The Telegraph Colombia El Tiempo Latino […]
Orwellian phrase – this “right to work” law (Tex. Labor Code Ann. § 101.001) puts all the power with the employer. It’s really the right to get canned for any reason or no reason, and check that union label at the door, you pinko. Texas is one of the worst states in the country for […]