(or, So Long and Thanks for the Titanium) So…. Ukraine did the Tulsa Turn-Around on the Mother of Ukraine statue. This year they decided to keep the titanium, lose the hammer & sickle, and added the Tryzub. From the Kyiv Post From the Kyiv Post, August 6th, 2023: “Near-moribund Leonid Brezhnev” – is there a […]
Month: November 2023
WLBOTT welcomes all Newcomers to Planet Earth! November 2nd, 2023 To help you get started, here are some fun facts from history for November 2nd. 1755 You share a birthday with Marie-Antoinette, the queen consort of King Louis XVI of France (1774–93). First of all, what is a “queen consort”? A queen consort is the […]
Meme Month: Oddities
Mother Bulgaria
Today’s stream of consciousness: Unicorn => National animal of Scotland => Country personifications (Uncle Sam, etc) => Mother figures/national personifications (Lady Liberty, etc) => Mother Bulgaria => Mother Bulgaria Pantheon Memorial => Gurgulyat, Bulgaria => Sofia, Bulgaria => Rage against the Soviet Union Many countries have personifications to symbolize aspects of their national character. An […]