Trawsfynydd is charming Welsh village, conveniently located in Wales. The name is Welsh for “across [the] mountain”.
Sadly, this Hermit Kingdom is inaccessible from most of the Earth.
The area is sparsely populated with each hectare (acre) inhabited by an average 0.07 (0.03) persons. The village is typical of many Welsh villages. There is one grocery shop, one public house, a newsagent, a chemist, garage, petrol service station, and a branch of a large agricultural merchants. – Wikipedia
Birthplace of Welsh poet Hedd Wyn
Trawsfynydd nuclear power station
Just down the road is the Trawsfynydd nuclear power station.
One hundred years to decommission? That’s putting a lot of hope onto the millennials’ great-grand kids.
And sadly…..
Not to cast asparagus, but this is one dystopian looking power plant.
Apparently ugly nuke plants are a British thing…. There’s even a reddit thread.
[ed. note: please have all necessary inoculations, use the appropriate hazmat suit, and take other toxic-environmental protection when visiting reddit]
To broaden the discussion, a stackexchange discussion seems appropriate:
Brutalism – so this is intentional?
Will there be a buffet?
We plan to check out the Cross Foxes in downtown Trawsfynydd.
It all looks good, but we’re excited to try the breakfast.