America Mildly Interesting TechnoBLOTT

Magic Number: 11780

[for reference purposes and future generations: 11,780 is the number of votes trump tried to coerce Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to change.]

Had an interesting chat with chatGPT:

[me] Could you tell me some interesting properties of the number 11780?

[chatGPT] Certainly! Here are some interesting properties and facts about the number 11,780:

  • **Prime Factorization:** The prime factorization of 11,780 is 2^2 × 5 × 11^2. This means that it can be expressed as the product of these prime numbers.
  • **Divisors:** The divisors of 11,780 are the numbers that evenly divide it. There are a total of 24 divisors for 11,780. Some of the divisors include 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55, 110, 220, 53, and more.
  • **Perfect Square:** 11,780 is not a perfect square, meaning it cannot be expressed as the square of an integer.
  • **Abundant Number:** An abundant number is one whose proper divisors sum up to a value greater than the number itself. 11,780 is an abundant number since the sum of its proper divisors is 16932, which is greater than 11,780.
  • **Palindrome in Different Bases:** In base 10, 11,780 is not a palindrome. However, when written in base 5, which uses digits 0 through 4, it is represented as 31313, which is a palindrome.
  • **Year 11780:** In history, the year 11780 doesn’t hold any significant events, as it is in the far future from my last knowledge update in September 2021.

The decimal number 11,780 is equivalent to the hexadecimal number “2E84.” Hexadecimal is a base-16 numbering system, where the digits used are 0-9 followed by A (10), B (11), C (12), D (13), E (14), and F (15). So, to convert from decimal to hexadecimal, we have:

11,780 = 2 × 16^3 + 14 × 16^2 + 8 × 16^1 + 4 × 16^0
= 2E84 in hexadecimal.

Semi-sequitur: another magic number, curtesy of Mad Magazine:

Where is 11780?

If 11780 was a place, where would it be?

Zip code 11780 corresponds to the town of Saint James, which is located on Long Island in Suffolk County, New York, United States.

The lovely home is available in the 11780 zip code:

Let’s get serious….

Yes, please!

Since none of the realtor photos included a bathroom or kitchen, we were unable to determine if the house has indoor plumbing.

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