WLBOTT Division of Oceanic Research and Kinetics
(WLBOTT-DORK) has just come across an extremely cool omnivorous crab.
The Sally Lightfoot crab (Graspus graspus) is rumored to have been named after a Caribbean dancer, because they are agile and fast.
– Neat-o-rama
Basically this poor guy has to take a long day’s journey (when the tide is out) to eat the seaweed on the exposed rocks. Lots of bad guys want to make you their dinner.

To put this in context, imagine that EVERY DAY you
- got a letter from the IRS
- battle with BlueCross/BlueShield
- take an unpleasant neighbor to the airport (during rush hour, and he won’t stop talking about Hunter Biden’s lap top)
- wonder why the transmission is making that funny sound
- put up with your boss’ misogynistic/homophobic/racist/maga theories of life
- and what is that smell coming out of the garbage disposal?
All this, EVERY DAY, just so that you could eat one meal at Souper Salads (and only salad – no croutons).
From Planet Earth: Blue Planet II:
Sally Lightfoot hangin’ with her/his Buds

Nature photographer Sue Roehl has a flicker page with Sally Lightfoots (and lots of other wildlife….)


Vegetarian Crabs?
I am constantly impressed by the collegiality, camaraderie, and bonhomie of Chat.

So Where are they Dancing?
Cool site that shows sightings and distribution of life on Earth.

Illogical conclusions…..
And to make sure we take this to it’s illogical conclusion…..
Google image search for “Sally”:

….and for Lightfoot (took several pages to get to Gordon):

Beautiful rendition of Gordon Lightfoot’s Canadian Railroad Trilogy. (Guitars, fiddle, mandolin, keyboard. Mr. Lightfoot is in the audience!)
Great guitar/vocal version with an Irish vibe (Shane Pendergast)….
Shane has a beautiful version of Fleetwood Mac’s Never Going Back Again….
One of the hardest and most beautiful songs I’ve ever tried to learn. Gave it my best shot! – Shane Pendergast
And our WLBOTT word-of-the-day: