Book Club Canada Food Meaning of Life

Crab Apples!

[Thanks to UC#1 for today’s post]

After the fascinating expose on bovine transportation, and my natural curiosity on whether bovines twine, I decided to ‘think outside the box’ and look for other twine related areas.  The most obvious immediately popped into my head: crab apples!

Here are a few photos of my latest crab apple jelly effort.

  1. washing & cutting
  2. boiling
  3. related supplies
  4. simmering
  5. filtering
  6. bottling
  7. the final result
  8. the aftermath

See if you can spot the twine connection.

PS: we still have 3 jars of jelly left over from last year and I have enough crab apples to make another 14 jars this year. What to do?
– UC#1

#1: washing & cutting
#2: boiling
#3: related supplies
#4: simmering
#5: filtering

Detail: Mountain Daylight Time

#6: bottling
#7: the final result
#8: the aftermath

If Crabapple Were a Place, Where Would It Be?

Not to be confused with Cabot Cove or other fictitious Maine towns
(thanks to

Speaking of Cabot Cove, please use caution if planning to visit.

Crabapples in Literature

Crab apples make an appearance in Joseph Heller’s Catch 22:
(This is the kind of crap I remember from college….)

Semi-Sequitur: Richard Russo

Richard Russo (mentioned above) is a WLBOTT Celebrated Author. UC#4 considers Straight Man to be one of the top 27 funniest books written within the past 134 years.

And yes, there is a duck.

Crabapple Bonsai

As it happens (as it was meant to happen) that Crabapple trees can make beautiful bonsai.