For the sake of today’s BLOTT, let’s assume God exists. Work with me here, people. What can we deduce? I think it is safe to say that She/He/They love diversity.
For example:
- there are 350,000 species of beetles
- about 50 new species of dinosaurs are discovered each year.
- 1,500 recognized types of musical instruments
- there are 14,000 species of ants
- 7,139 officially known languages in the world
- more than 30 Pop Tart flavors (
- 500,000 species of land plants
- 22 varieties of Spam (
- 5,400 species of mammals
- 130 million books with distinct titles have been published since Gutenberg’s printing press in 1440, with 2.2 million new titles published each year
Semi-Sequitur: Is it a mammal?
Take our WLBOTT Wonders Quiz!
- Shark: no
- Microwave Burrito: no (this fools a lot of people)
- Whale: yes
- Owl: no
- Armadillo: yes
- Stormy Daniels: yes
- Windows Vista: no
- Duck-billed Platypus: yes
- Sea Monkey: no
- Sweet Potato: no
- The Banana Belt Region of Canada: no
- Dilithium Crystals: no
- Yoda: [under investigation]
- IHOP Rooty Tooty Fruity Fresh ‘N Fruity Combos: no
Some reference information:
Diversity in Vocal Range
Lowest sound produced by a human: 0.189 Hz.
Highest sound produced by a human: 25,000 Hz.
Beautiful duet performed by Juliana Strangelove & Arthur Vasiliev shows the range and overlap of the human voice.
Semi-Sequitur: Cute Platypus Pix
Semi-Sequitur: Twine-enabled Platypi
The plural of platypus is platypuses. While the word platypi is sometimes used, it is less common. – the Interwebs
Reference: Failed Pop Tart Flavors
Most of these were liberated from the Facebook group
One reply on “The Mansion with Many Rooms”
I think there are a few musical instruments that were not included in the diversity count and it is time to stop this prejudicial treatment. I speak of the 5 twined banjo, the 12 twine guitar, the 4 twine bass and all the many related instruments.