I was searching for a version of Elvis’ “Are You Lonesome Tonight” that I could learn for our next set and I came across this version. [UC#1-SU] and I laughed and laughed, hope you enjoy it.
On Trump’s verdict in NY:
Karma limerick (aspirational conclusion) There once was a defendant named Trump Who lied and cheated while sitting on his rump He was ordered to pay 350 million for his stealth This will cut into his ability to gain more wealth And the young ladies he likes to chase finally see him as a chump
Verbatim AI Images from UC#3’s Dithyramb[1]
You People Have Stood in My Way Long Enough! I’m Going to Clown College.
Truth / Beauty / Twine Triumvirate
There’s beauty in the silver, singin’ river
Bob Dylan
There’s beauty in the sunrise in the sky