Adventures of the Elders Food

Lives of the Elders: May 16, 2024

The Elders have rich and varied lives, and in the case of UC#4, a complete detachment from reality.

Let’s check in….


If anyone tries the Dinner cookbook, may I recommend the Faux Tandoori Chicken recipe, which Mr. KM[1] requests weekly. I don’t even like Indian food that much, but I’m obsessed with this one.


[1] KM Spousal Unit, or KM-SU. Also known as Señor KM.

Melissa Clark Faux Tandoori Chicken

NY Times

AI seems to have a different take on “Faux Chicken”:

One of KM’s volunteers made an interesting PDF that helps put the scale and diversity of the US into perspective for Ukrainian buddies. I love this picture from his PDF.

KM’s Music of the Future, Today!

World record – 4 violins at the same time (Oleksandr Bozhyk)


UC#4 purchased new glasses – first upgrade in a decade. My god – I CAN SEE!

I bought the glasses on-line: two pairs (regular/reading) with progressive lenses. The total cost was less than one pair of the cheapest frames (w/o lenses) at the optometrist office.

I sent my prescription and pupil-to-pupil measurements to the web site, and they sent me back a note. Apparently I have a freakishly large head, and they wanted to make sure I hadn’t made a mistake on the measurements.

One mistake – I bought the same frames for reading/regular, so now I’ll have to tie a ribbon (yellow) around one pair so I can tell them apart.

Other news: I bought a used Optiplex 3060 a few weeks ago, and it is rockin’. Note the pristine computing environment.

In those few short weeks, it has zoomed into 5th place for our team’s folding. (The folding project [] uses your spare computing power to develop new drugs to fight cancer, Alzheimer’s, COVID, etc). I’ve also been told that if you get up to the Pearly Gates and things are looking a little iffy, having a good folding score can put you over the goal line.


Lately, SU has been busy helping out her older brother, but now she’s relaxing with season 1, episode 1 of All Saints (thanks, UC#1!)


UC#1: Editing Mountain Sapphire videos, chatting with Chat, eating cereal (type unspecified), getting seriously ripped off over a lost car key, delving into the history of Buffalo Springfield….

[ed. note: UC#1, losing your keys is a pain. We explained the situation to Chat (cereal, video editing, keys, etc.) Hopefully, these will give you a clue where to look.]


[ed-note: I was telling my son that his uncle (UC#3) does more in one 24-hour period that I do in a month.]

Over a one week period, UC#3 has….

  • Attended an 84th birthday party for a famed flutist
  • Investigated student submarine races
  • Will observe the Blue Angels practice run from a sloop in the Chesapeake Bay.
  • Visited a nuclear sub calibration laboratory
  • Saw Neal Young and Crazy Horse, drank canned water, etc….
  • Visited the National Portrait Gallery
  • Had lunch (with china!) with the founder of Red Zeppelin Media (check out the trailer:

UC#3: National Portrait Museum

UC#3: Red Zeppelin Media

UC#3: Blue Angels

UC#3: Student Submarine Races

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