Late Stage Capitalism The Criminal Justice System WLBOTT Corporate

WLBOTT Investment Portfolio

5/18/2024 5:09 AM

Gentlepeople – as the CFO of WLBOTT, I am concerned about our ability to fund our tour as our esteemed group continues to propose more stops on the tour, a minibus, a yurt, a torsional balance to measure gravity, etc. the current balance in the WLBOTT bank account is $0.00 US (or $0.00 CD).

I was cleaning out the apps on my phone this morning and found an app for RobinHood. Early in the pandemic, I opened this account with $50 and did some stupid day trading in Bitcoin, GameStop, etc just for amusement . I opened up the app this morning for the first time in 3 years and it now has $136 in my account.

So I propose this:

  1. I will donate the $136 RobinHood acct to WLBOTT (and take the charitable deduction of course!)
  2. the $136 is currently in cash. I would propose each of the steamed member on this note propose one speculative stock/investment vehicle and I will split the $136 by 5 and invest in those five vehicles. I will report progress on a monthly basis and will not actively manage the portfolio. Please suggest high risk investments because we need high growth and don’t let your morals get in the way of your recommendations.

Look forward to hearing your recommendations.


UC#3’s initial progress was slow until he realized stock yards and stock markets are two separate and distinct things.

5/18/2024, 3:25 PM

Gentlepeople- I am inclined to pull the trigger on our investment portfolio Monday morning to capture the upside after Trump gets sentenced to jail on Friday.

Proposed $130 total portfolio equally divided into 5 investments – no brokerage fees with Robinhood, so this is all for fun – it’s like Senator Menendez finding cash stuffed in his coat pockets since I was unaware I even had this account anymore. Please let me know if you have any qualms – the account is in my name so no personal/WLBOTT exposure.

By U.S. Thanksgiving, we can decide if we want to liquidate the fund and get 5 of the best pecan pies in the world or continue to grow the fund for our tour. If the fund has gone down significantly, we can just go to McDonalds and get some fried pies.


There are certainly some glamorous aspects to Twine Trading….

5/18/2024, 4:37 PM

UC#3, thank you for taking the lead on this.

If I may make one suggestion….

I’ve pre-ordered 9 of this Tiffany keepsakes (one for each Elder) using your credit card. I’m assuming the portfolio will appreciate into the $100K range by the fall.


Twine Purgatory

But there is a dark underbelly to twine trading. UC#3 is taking one for the team, and we appreciate it.

5/19/2024, 8:36 PM

Gentlepeople- I am still waiting on Securities Exchange Commission approval of our WLBOTT fund but should have it by tomorrow. But I wanted to explain one of the investment choices. Our most Esteamed Senior Elder (Señor Viejo), UC#4, has a strong affinity for Spam (the spiced ham product), so I have included Hormel (the manufacturer of Spam) in our portfolio. I believe his affinity for Spam comes from this Monty Python skit.


5/20/2024, 12:22 PM

Gentlepeople – I have fulfilled my fiduciary responsibility and I believe I have invested the WLBOTT $137 portfolio wisely. We have $2.38 left in our contingency fund. I invested $27 in each of 5 stocks on behalf of our group. Due to an on-going trial near Wall Street, I chose not to go the NYSE to ring the opening bell.

Here was my investment philosophy:

Crypto – this is a hedge I invested in bitcoin, thinking that if Trump gets elected in Nov, the western financial banking system, as we know it, will crater.

LAC lithium – electric vehicles and batteries to power crypto mining data centers will require large amounts of lithium for batteries

HRL Hormel (Spam)- I think I’ve already said enough on this topic.

NHYDY – Norsk Hydro – largest green (hydropower) supplier in Norway. Thought Daniel Z could keep an eye on this while in Oslo this summer.

QSR – Restaurant Brands Intl that owns Tim Horton’s (Canadian rival to Dunkin’ Donuts) , Popeyes (UC#4 fav fried chicken and I like their dirty rice) , and Burger King (where my spousal unit occasionally enjoys a Whopper Jr w/o tomato)

I will report monthly at our Elders meetings on investment progress. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a twine company that was publicly traded.


There are some unsavory characters involved in Twine Arbitrage, and UC#3 metaphorically gird his loins on a daily basis.

5/20/2024, 4:50 AM

UC#3, as CFO, I’ll also need you to write me a check for $130,000.

The sooner the better. It will help me avoid some very Stormy weather.


The fact that the Spam Museum is in Austin, Minnesota, and both Austins are on IH35, can only be seen as the Will of God.

Quite the BLOTT-worthy topic.

– UC#4


Make the check out for legal services.


AI prompt: Stormy Weather

5/21/2024, 4:49 AM

UC#3, I’m going to link in UC#1, since he will probably be joining us on the witness stand.

UC#1 – does Canada have an extradition treaty with the US?


UC#3, congratulations on the impressive performance of the WLBOTT Investment Portfolio! Wise stock picks!

Since we’re all Big Pictures[1] guys, may I offer the following suggestion? Instead of a daily yield of 0.33%, can you shoot for a higher number? Here are the results of the initial investment based on daily compounding at different rates. In a year’s time, we will all be billionaires.

[1] Big picture; i.e. we don’t understand the math


5/21/2024, 8:18 AM

Fellow Blotts,

Yes, Canada does have an extradition treaty with the US. Remember The Meng Wanzhou Huawei fiasco? Canadian citizens Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig were thrown in jail in China in retaliation for Canada following the rules and arresting Meng Wanzhou at the request of the USA.

That’s still a sore point for most Canadians who feel that we were just pawns in the USA-China battle for economical control of the world.


As for the investment, if UC#3 can maintain an annualized rate of return of 232%, it may take a bit longer, but we will still all be millionaires someday. Keep up the great work!


5/23/2024 7:49 AM

[ed. note: the following probably provides the greatest criminal exposure, since it demonstrates foreknowledge, intent, planning, and conspiracy]


I am truly blessed by an embarrassment of BLOTTs.

Embarrassment because….

  • well, after all, it is WLBOTT
  • like an embarrassment of riches, there is so much to BLOTT about

This morning I was working on “The Lives of the Elders” and then I got to the section of the WLBOTT investment plan.

I decided it was such an expansive and incriminating topic, I would fork it onto its own BLOTT. When the emails are harvested and collated chronologically, they are quite entertaining. And a stand-alone BLOTT will simplify the discovery process for the grand jury, special council, etc.


Hope all is well. All systems abnormal here in AusTex.


AI Guidance in these Turbulent Times

Given the verbatim prompt: “the greatest criminal exposure, since it demonstrates foreknowledge, intent, planning, and conspiracy.”

Not sure if we can use these images in our legal defense.

Meet our legal team (from the prompt):

With AI Image gen, you get what you get. But how did these show up with that prompt?

2 replies on “WLBOTT Investment Portfolio”

I am slightly disappointed with the portfolio. My recommendation was American Lithium (symbol LI on the TSXV exchange), not Lithium Americas (LAC) which invests primarily in South America. But from a return-on-investment point of view they are probably about equal.

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