Perhaps this is a US thing only, or maybe just a WLBOTT thing, be we occasionally encounter annoying people.
In order to help our Ukrainian ENGin buddies, here are ways to express this frustration.
(ed. note: the translations are a little iffy.)
WLBOTT Word of the Day
They are a bugging me.
Вони мене дратують.
They are a driving me crazy
Вони зводять мене з розуму.
They are a Driving me Nuts!
Вони везуть мене туди, де багато горіхів.
They are a Driving me Bananas
Вони ведуть мене на бананах
They are a pain in the neck
Вони – біль у шиї
- They are a pain in the butt
- They are a pain in the rear
- [1] They are a pain in the ass
[1] Slightly vulgar
They are a driving me up a wall
Вони заганяють мене до стіни
They’re getting under my skin
Вони лізуть мені під шкіру
They are a headache
Вони викликають головний біль
One reply on “Annoying People / Надокучливі люди”
I leave these two:
‘It is what it is’ – generally an acceptance of a bad outcome followed by the slight shake of the head
SNAFU – Situation Normal All F***d Up. Coming used term in polite company by people who don’t know what it stands for.