Curated Absurdity Those Crazy Kids! Work-Life Balance

Not Exactly a Buzz Kill

The last thing WLBOTT wants to do is be a buzz kill. But that being said, weed is a pretty controversial subject. We all know people – friends, family, loved ones, whose lives have been seriously derailed, sometimes seriously shredded, from way, way too much weed. And we probably all know people who like to chill occasionally when they are in a place of no responsibilities.

Several of the Elders come down on the conservative side. Is there really a time in our adult life when we are truly free of responsibilities?

To answer this question, please read the following (left) and have a 12-page analysis on our desks by close of business today.

Anyhow, let us not be constrained in our mining of humour.

[Ed. Note: we found out the hard way that “bong” is a forbidden word on the Microsoft image generator.]

How Did We Get Here?

While researching the BLOTT on “Garden of the Elders”, as part of our due diligence, we ran a google image search on a detail of UC#3’s pepper.

A pickle bong? This led us down a rabbit hole of bong-related topics.

Wiki How

There’s even a Wiki How with all kinds of MacGyver-level bong techniques, including using an old Bible.

We checked in with St. Peter on this one. Though technically not a show stopper, it is highly discouraged, and will require some serious mitigation.

“Really, Dude?” – St. Peter

Fruit and Veggie Bongs

Perogy / Varenyky Bongs

We found no Perogy / Varenyky Bongs on the inter webs. It looks like a business opportunity! Here are some of our marketing ideas.

Why Do You Think They Call It Dope?

Things can get pretty goofy, pretty quickly.

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