Adventures of the Elders Meaning of Life Nature

The Garden of the Elders

Today we celebrate international blooming!

UC#1 & SU

My fellow GrowBlotts,

Keep in mind that, even with global warming, the growing season has only just started in Devon. We have a few tomato plants started and I recently had the two dead birch trees removed and replaced with a line of cedars (photos to follow).

[ed. note: in certain northern cuisines, ground stump / sawdust is considered a spice.]

The only plant we named is Iris. The Cedars are the elite honour guard defending our patio from the ravages of the back public walkway. The scraggly looking tomato plants are a cherry and two beefstake (mistakenly labeled beefeater). And of course, SU’s staple, Rhubarb.


I’ve got to make some corrections here. The rhubarb plant is named “Ruby” (not “Barb” as you might have guessed!). Wondering if you’ve ever heard of rhubarb down Texas way. It’s actually called a vegetable and is an acquired taste, which UC#1 hasn’t yet acquired! It’s wonderful simply stewed (add lots of sugar or sweetener), or add raisins or orange peel. Great in muffins, cobbler, crisp, etc. And probably good for you too!

And the correct spelling of “beefsteak” is…well, “beefsteak”!!! I guess UC#1 thinks he has a stake in their growth.


[ed. note: “beefsteak” implies the existence of a tomato-cow.]


I can’t keep even the simplest plants alive, but I have a small child growing nicely this season. I was recently informed she has moved up to 77th percentile in height 🙂


Cherry tomatoes and Thai chili. En feugo.

Gentle people – We’ve been lucky with lot of rain in Houston, so plants are doing great. In the edible department, I have:

  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Thai peppers
  • Thyme
  • Basil
  • Rosemary

I am a lazy gardener- full sun pots hooked up to the irrigation system so they get water when I am out of town for a week or two. The thyme, basil, and rosemary survive the Houston winters, so these plants are several years old. Somehow, basil has sprouted in the white planter – I am suspecting bird transplantation by beak or poop.

The tomato plant is going crazy, so will have to start making ketchup (catsup) in a couple of weeks.

UC#4 & SU & Sally T. Intern

Large quantities of photosynthesis taking place at the WLBOTT CenTex HQ.

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