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-40° F/C: US-Canada-Ukraine Unity

Today we celebrate the half-way point between Canada Day and the 4th of July. The symbol of our unity is -40° C/F, the temperature where Fahrenheit and Celsius meet in harmony. We include Ukraine in our celebration, making it a tri-unity, or trunity.

°: alt + 0176 (numeric keypad)

Mountain Sapphire Celebrates Canada Day

The WLBOTT IT Team Celebrates -40°

Some Humorous Collaboration

Elder G provides some examples of our international friendship.

**The Border Blunders**: There have been numerous amusing incidents at the US-Canada border. For instance, in 2009, a moose swam across the St. John River from the US to Canada, causing a minor border incident as authorities from both countries tried to figure out who should handle the situation. The moose was eventually guided back to the US side.

**Can-Am Hockey Rivalries**: Hockey games between Canadian and American teams often feature good-natured ribbing and pranks. One famous incident involved a friendly bet between the mayors of Chicago and Vancouver during the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals. The losing mayor had to wear the winning team’s jersey at a public event, leading to some humorous moments of civic pride and sportsmanship.

**Radio Show Gags**: On the popular Canadian radio show “As It Happens,” a segment once involved a mock debate about whether Santa Claus resides in Canada or the US. This light-hearted banter showcased the friendly rivalry and shared cultural heritage between the two nations.

**The Stanley Cup Travels**: The tradition of each player on the winning NHL team getting to spend a day with the Stanley Cup has led to many humorous cross-border adventures. The Cup has appeared at backyard barbecues, been used as a cereal bowl, and even been to the top of mountains, showing the fun and informal side of this shared sports culture.

The Elder G

WLBOTT Ministry of Pantheology Celebrates -40°

Our Pledge: Our Unity Transcends the US Dysfunction

No matter what November brings, we will stand strong.

Unity, Beauty, Integrity, Strength

Fun Facts: -40°

Again, thanks to Elder G.

Here are some interesting facts about -40 degrees centigrade:

**Temperature Equivalence**: -40 degrees is the point where the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales converge. That means -40°C is exactly equal to -40°F.

**Extreme Cold**: At -40°C, the human body can suffer from frostbite within minutes if exposed to the cold without proper protection. The cold can cause the moisture in your breath to freeze almost instantly.

**Arctic and Antarctic Conditions**: Temperatures of -40°C are not uncommon in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, particularly during the winter months. These extreme conditions require specialized equipment and clothing to survive.

**Scientific Measurements**: Such low temperatures are often encountered in scientific experiments and research, especially in the fields of cryogenics and astronomy. Liquid nitrogen, which boils at -196°C, is used to achieve temperatures well below -40°C for various applications.

**Historical Records**: Some of the coldest inhabited places on Earth, such as Oymyakon in Russia and parts of Canada, experience temperatures around -40°C during winter. These areas have adapted their infrastructure and daily routines to cope with such extreme cold.

**Thermodynamics**: At -40°C, the physical properties of materials can change significantly. Metals become more brittle, and many liquids, including gasoline, can start to gel or freeze, affecting machinery and vehicles.

**Survival Tactics**: In temperatures around -40°C, survival tactics include layering clothing, using insulated shelters, and maintaining a high-calorie diet to generate body heat. Special precautions must be taken to prevent hypothermia and other cold-related illnesses.

**Astronomical Observations**: At such low temperatures, certain types of astronomical equipment and observatories can operate more efficiently. For example, infrared detectors and telescopes benefit from the reduced thermal noise at these temperatures, allowing for clearer observations of distant celestial objects.

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