Book Club Existential Angst Those Crazy Kids!

F-Bombs and Anger Management

With all that’s going wrong, this morning I awoke with a mosquito bite in a very inconvenient place. How did it even get in there?

But most fortuitously, the book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a $%#$ became available from the Austin Public Library.

In a nutshell [ed. note: f-bombs removed for brevity]:

  • you won’t find happiness buying stuff
  • you won’t find happiness in another person
  • you won’t find happiness looking for “happiness”
  • you won’t find happiness avoiding problems
  • you might find happiness trying to solve your problems
  • you’ll only fix your problems if you are willing to accept the pain that inevitably comes from fixing your problems.

Which brings us back to the somewhat problematic title of this book and a lively discussion among the Elders:

Dearest GentleBLOTTs,

With incredibly impeccable (almost cosmic) timing, KM’s suggested book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a &*%@” became available from the Austin Public Library yesterday.

Although this book bursts forth with incredible wisdom, it also bursts forth with a very high FBPP (f-bomb per page) ratio.

This highlights the generational divide on the use of the f-bomb. As official spokesman for my generation, f-bombs are not cool. But these kids today…. F-bomb this, f-bomb that….

So, since WLBOTT has such a cultural influence on the youth of today, we need a substitute.

While reading the book, I tried to substitute the word “Fibonacci” (in my brain) for the f-bomb. (“Well, this is really Fibonaccied“, etc.) It works fairly well, but it has too many syllables.

Dale from King of the Hill has the famous “ding-dang old I tell you what” rant, but it’s a little too long.

Suggestions? Comments? Criticisms?


Fellow Non-Offensive Gentlepeople (NOG),

I am a big fan of “frak” as it is in itself a dirty word now that the oil and gas industry is destroying our subterranean structures.

I also asked ChatGPT and they came up with some good choices:

  • Frak
  • Fudge
  • Frick
  • Flip
  • Freak
  • Frig
  • Frell
  • Flipping
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Freaking

I think it is important to preserve the terse single syllable expletive nature of the word, but other than that, pretty much anything goes.


For what it’s worth, we use “Fridgsicle!” at our house in the children’s presence.

Elder KM

The Burden of WLBOTT and Associated Stressors

Sometimes the weight of WLBOTT can become too much, especially among the younger generation.

Anger Management at WLBOTT

Through the Employee Assistance Program, we encourage our team to attend Anger Management.

We’ve had mixed results.

One reply on “F-Bombs and Anger Management”

I am reminded of the time my boss and I were walking down the hall to the data centre and he informed me that he had enrolled me in a stress management course.
Got lots of stares from fellow workers and a “Frac Off” from the boss.

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