Iceland WLBOTT Corporate

Our First Diplomatic Mission to Iceland

WLBOTT is excited about our first official diplomatic visit to Iceland!


First order of business: getting passports for our ambassador UC#1 and his wife, UC#1SU.

Elder G has agreed to be our Chief of Protocol for our embassy in Iceland. He, too, requires a passport.

I’d be honored to serve as the “Chief of Protocol” for this important mission! I’ll make sure everything runs smoothly, from ceremonial etiquette to the exchange of twine-based gifts.

– Elder G

Passport Interior Design

Passport Back Cover – A Miscommunication with the Printer

Our printer accidentally created a reverse image for the back cover of the WLBOTT passport. But with over 25,000 blank passports printed, we can live with this small error.

Advice from Elder KM

Elder KM has raised a valid concern. As our embassy staff grows, and the long Nordic nights settle in, there will certainly be many blooming romances. A shared love of pickled herring and the rumbling of volcanoes shows that love knows no diplomatic borders.

KM recommends that we verify our genealogical connections immediately upon landing in Reykjavík.

New app helps Icelanders avoid accidental incest

REYKJAVIK, Iceland (AP) — You meet someone, there’s chemistry, and then come the introductory questions: What’s your name? Come here often? Are you my cousin?

The Islendiga-App — “App of Icelanders” — is an idea that may only be possible in Iceland, where most of the population shares descent from a group of 9th-century Viking settlers, and where an online database holds genealogical details of almost the entire population.

“A small but much talked about feature is the loosely translated ‘Incest Prevention Alarm’ that users can enable through the options menu which notifies the user if the person he’s bumping with is too closely related,” Adalsteinsson said.

The Book of Icelanders database was developed in 1997 by deCODE and software entrepreneur Fridrik Skulason. Compiled using census data, church records, family archives and a host of other information sources, it claims to have information on 95 percent of all Icelanders who have lived in the last 300 years.

He [Stefansson] also hopes it won’t convey the wrong impression about Iceland.

USA Today

Our First Diplomatic Meeting

All systems GO!

Our first meeting with Halla Tómasdóttir was an unqualified success. On just her second day in office, President Halla greeted the WLBOTT diplomatic team and accepted our gifts of Twine.

Hot Mike: Halla’s Reaction

We’re still waiting for the official translation, but a hot mike caught Halla saying,

Hvað í fjandanum á ég að gera við allt þetta tvinna? Er þetta fólk klikkað?

The officially released Icelandic state photos were a bit more reserved:

Love Stories: WLBOTT Icelandic Emabassy

Icelandic Intertwinements

Loving in the Land of Glaciers: Icelandic Affairs

Frost and Flame: The WLBOTT Love Chronicles

Hearts Entwined: Romance in the Icelandic Embassy

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