Adventures of the Elders The land, the people, the culture

The Lives of the Elders

It is time for another “Lives of the Elders“.

In preparation, we prompted the Elders with the following possible topics:

  • mysterious and stubborn fungal infections (hi res pix, please)
  • cafeteria reviews at county lock-up
  • overdue library books (please include the title/author)
  • regrettable breakfast selections
  • manifestos (here’s your chance to get published!)
  • humorous plumbing problems
  • were you featured in a Silver Alert?
  • mystery smells coming from the fridge/garbage disposal
  • hobbies that have been deemed “technically” legal

Sally T. Intern

Elder G: Sally always seems to find herself in the quirkiest situations. How are you planning to describe her experience at the fashion show?

Sally and a friend attended the 14th Annual Trash Makeover Challenge: AVANT-GARDEN.

On Saturday, September 7, fashion and environmental advocacy will come together in a spectacular showing of flora and fauna at this year’s Trash Makeover Challenge.

The Trash Makeover Challenge, now in its 14th year, is a unique fashion show and live auction event supporting the Texas Campaign for the Environment (TCE). Amateur and professional designers alike will send garments down the runway, where at least 90 percent of their materials must be recycled. Past shows have featured designs made entirely from Coca-Cola bottle caps, 600 fish scales sewn into a skirt, and once, live ladybugs released onto a garment.

Austin Culture Map

Elder G gets in on the fun:

UC#4-SU helps Sally T. Intern get ready for the big night!

Sally T. Intern has also been experimenting with a craft called “finger knitting” – no knitting needles required!

Elder KM

We only recently learned of Elder KM’s incredible baking talent!

Email Exchange:

WLBOTT: WLBOTT Social Upload Protocol (W’S Up?) saw your beautiful baking on Facebook. Can we use the images in the upcoming “Lives of the Elders”?

Elder KM: W’Sup UC#4! Yes, I am happy to share my baking with my Brothers and Sisters in Twine!

Elder KM recently returned from a vacation to Aruba, where she marveled at the fusion of tourism and industrial output.

Although the details are not clear, Elder KM found an odd-shaped bone, following an Aruba barbecue of a large and unidentified animal.

Detailed WLBOTT archaeological analysis indicates that this is the bone of a long extinct Pliocene camel.

Scenes from the Barbecue – Coincidence?

UC#1 / UC#1-SU

UC#1 and UC#1-SU continue to share beautiful music to the central Alberta communities. Their generosity extends to playing free concerts at nursing homes and hospitals.

UC#1 has also been mixing some of the many recordings for Mountain Sapphire.

You can listen to Mountain Sapphire‘s graceful and enchanting version “Help Me Make It Through the Night.”

UC#1 has shared with us his home recording studio set-up:

From his home studio, UC#1 has been contracted to run the NORAD Santa Tracker:


Most of my time is spent on WLBOTT and WLBOTT-related activities.

I’ve also been puzzling over our exact mission. Is it:

I am also on a mission to keep my sweet potato plants alive thru the winter. As you recall, UC#4-SU and I planted four sweet potatoes during the totality of the solar eclipse this spring.

They have burst forth and multiplied.

Cuttings have spread to the front yard:

Semi-Sequitur: Sweet Potatoes Fog In My Mind

Sweet Potatoes Fog In My Mind
Excuse me while I kiss this vine.

Sweet Potato Cutting: You’re Our Only Hope.

Based on the results of the Nov. 5th U.S. election, these sweet potato cuttings may be the last hope for humanity.


UC#4-SU stays busy keeping the WLBOTT dream alive.


It’s hard to keep up with UC#3. He is a very busy Elder. Among his many activities….

He is attempting to re-popularize the concept of potted meat:

Wrt poor food choices – potted meat. Going to get some later and smear on 4 day old garlic bread. The poor man’s pate.


Potted meat is a form of traditional food preservation in which hot cooked meat is placed in a pot, tightly packed to exclude air, and then covered with hot fat. As the fat cools, it hardens and forms an airtight seal, preventing some spoilage by airborne bacteria.

Before the days of refrigeration, potted meat was developed as a way to preserve meat when a freshly slaughtered animal could not be fully eaten immediately.

Spores of Clostridium botulinum can survive cooking at 100 °C (212 °F), and, in the anaerobic neutral pH storage environment, result in botulism.

Often when making potted meat, the meat of only one animal was used, although other recipes, such as the Flemish potjevleesch, used three or four different meats (animals).

Wikipedia / Image By Migebert – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

Planning for the Future

Seeking Asylum– I noted the opposition candidate in Venezuela won but the Maduro government won’t recognize the result. So the candidate sought asylum in the Spanish embassy in Caracas and now is being given passage to Spain. So, which country’s embassy would you go to if tRrump wins?

Elder UC#3

UC#3, you are right to think of the future and our need for sanctuary. You are officially tasked with opening our first Embassy.

Keep the budget in mind when selecting the site.

Leisure Activities

UC#3 also enjoys crawfishin’ from his place in Maryland.


UC#2 continues to make progress in his scholastic endeavors. He has reached several important milestones lately.

However, UC#2 faces many challenges: trying to balance his responsibilities with WLBOTT, his studies, an intense California heat wave, and those darned chickens.

Elder G

Elder G wishes us well, and suggests we “keep our sunny side up!”


We’re not sure who these folks are, but they asked to be included with the Elders of WLBOTT. Sure! All are welcome at our table.

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