Collapse of Democracy/Civilization/etc. Curated Absurdity Erudition Hopeful Songs on Dismal Days Music

Crappy Times

We’ve Been Through Some Crappy Times Before

When you find yourself in times of trouble….
When you’re weary, feeling small…..
When life gets you down, Mrs. Brown….
Where do we turn?
The Austin Lounge Lizards, of course!

We’ve Been Through Some Crappy Times Before
- The Austin Lounge Lizards

You say the last elections didn’t turn out like you planned.
You’re feeling blue and clueless, you just don’t understand.
You’re sad and sulky, somber, sullen, moping and morose.
You’re woeful, doleful, weak and weary, semi-comatose.

You stare at your computer screen devoid of joy and hope.
You’re so depressed, you can’t get dressed, your noosing up a rope.
Just remind yourself, when you can’t stand it any more:
That we’ve been through some crappy times before

We’ve been through some crappy times before
Slavery, unbridled knavery and the civil war.
Don’t stop caring, stop despairing, get up off the floor,
Because we’ve been through some crappy times before.

Intolerable intolerance has swept across the land,
The gospel thumping homophobes have got the upper hand.
They're peeping though the windows and they are creeping through the door
But we’ve been through some crappy times before.

We’ve been through some crappy times before.
McCarthyism, Prohibition, and the World Wars.
Were up the creek, the boat is leaking, still we'll reach the shore,
'Cause we’ve been through some crappy times before.

Oh, we hear reassurances that everything is fine
It’s been a while since we were a canary in this mine.
Just when you think it’s really bad, it gets a little worse,
But keep on looking forward, though we’re going in reverse.

You shout out that the emperor's not wearing any clothes,
He lies so much that you could hang your laundry from his nose.
The fox is in the hen house and the wolf is at the door,
But we’ve been thought some crappy times before

We have been thought crappy times before,
Indiscretion, floods, Depressions, Vietnam and more.
The sun has set but don’t forget another day's in store.
'Cause we’ve been thought some crappy times before.

Yes we’ve been though some crappy times before
Yes, we’ve been though some crappy times before.
Crappy times
Crappy times
Crappy times
Crappy times


Do to the esoteric, ephemeral, and erudite nature of the lyrics, AI had a hard time transforming this “Crappy Time” vision into pixels.

Elder G even fussed at me, and I feel scolded.

Although not very good, here’s the best we could come up with….

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