(We laugh so we don’t cry)
So, once a year the WLBOTT Elders eat bratwurst and sauerkraut, to maintain our corporate membership in the German Heritage Society.
That day was yesterday. But due to leftovers in a leaky Tupperware container, this morning the entire corporate headquarters is enjoying the Fermenté d’Amour, Bavarian Bliss, Eau de Zesty Kraut.
Anyhow, this morning the maintenance crew went to turn on the heater (just the second time this season), and was greeted with this alert:
So, in an effort to increase shareholder value, we decided to turn lemons into lemonade (or in this case, sauerkraut into perfume).
We gathered the creative team:
WLBOTT: Good morning, Elder G. Lovely to see you again, my friend!
Elder G: Good morning, WLBOTT Corporate Executive! It’s always a pleasure to see you too, my friend. What’s on the agenda today?
WLBOTT: Let’s start with some fancy perfume names based on sauerkraut.
Elder G: Oh, I love where this is going.
A Short Aside….
Music to accompany bratwurst and sauerkraut.